Sanitarni inženir skozi prizmo etike
Sanitarni inženirji imajo ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju javnega zdravja in prepoznavanju ter obvladovanju dejavnikov tveganj, pri čemer njihovo delo presega …
Sanitarni inženirji imajo ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju javnega zdravja in prepoznavanju ter obvladovanju dejavnikov tveganj, pri čemer njihovo delo presega …
»Preventiva je na prvem mestu!«
doc. dr. sc. Željko Linšak, dipl. san. ing.
»Problemov ni, so le neodločitve.«
Prim. prof. dr. Ivan Eržen, dr. med., spec.…
Evropska agencija za varno hrano (EFSA) je v sodelovanju z Evropskim centrom za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni (ECDC) izdala letno …
V uredništvu portala s ponosom izpostavljamo mlado kolegico, Mašo Ceglar, mag. san. inž., ki je za svoje magistrsko delo prejela …
Izšel je bilten mednarodne organizacije International Federation of Environmental Health.
Tudi v tokratni izdaji je nekaj besed namenjenih aktualni …
OpenWHO je nova interaktivna spletna platforma Svetovne Zdravstvene Organizacije (WHO), ki ponuja spletne izobraževalne tečaje s področja obvladovanja izrednih zdravstvenih …
The latest issue of the IFEH Magazine “Environment and Health International” is avalible at IFEH website (link).…
International Federation of Environmental Health President (IFEH) Peter Archer, FCIEH CEnvH talks to us about the worldwide epidemic caused by …
Special Interest Groups on Linkedin are now available for all IFEH members. Connects with some 50,000+ professionals in the area …
We are pleased to announce that 10th edition of the International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research (IJSER) has been published …
The latest edition of IFEH newsletter is avalible. Among other topics there is also a report detailing the outcome of …
Obveščamo vas, da so z današnjim dnem odprte prijave na dvodnevno strokovno delavnico »Kako pripraviti uspešen projekt za prijavo na …
We are pleased to announce that new edition of the International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research (IJSER) has been published …
An article posted by Anne Godfrey, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health on 02 September 2016 – Follow the link…
Izpostavljamo zadnjo strokovno publikacijo v založbi Inštituta za sanitarno inženirstvo, ki je namenjena kolegom sanitarnim inženirjem. …
Special Interest Groups on LinkeIn are now available for all IFEH members. Connects with some 50,000+ professionals in the area …
Genotoxicity is linked to cancer and other adverse end-points. For decades genotoxic substances have been considered to have no threshold.…
or as we like to say “Microorganisms always win…”
A team at Kyoto University have, by rummaging around in piles …
This surveillance report is based on the 2014 disease surveillance data collected by the European Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance Network.…
Resistance in zoonotic Salmonella and Campylobacter species from humans, animals and food, and resistance in indicator Escherichia coli as well …
Students and teachers at Kasiisi nursery and primary school in Uganda have found an innovative way to save money and …
A group of Slovenian scientists has become the first in the world to prove that a Zika virs infection during …
Six kids sickened in outbreak linked to Organic Pastures raw milk. More……